Sunday, October 5, 2008

More Introduction

So nobody can really tell but I do like watching anime sometimes. They can be in English or Japanese, they are both very interesting. I think InuYasha or Samurai Champloo are my favorites. But I will never forget Sailor Moon. I remember watching it a lot as a child. I can say that it got me started on Japanese Culture. Pokemon was probably took the biggest chunk of my life during 4th and 5th grade. That was show was so great. I grew up on a lot of japanese shows but never really looked at the language. Last year was the first time I ever even tried to speak the language. It's alot of fun but can be very complicated. My task is going to be to watch pokemon, InuYasha, and even Sailor Moon in Japanese and try to understand it. We'll see how that works out :D


Hamada said...

Many people learn the Japanese language by watching anime. You can have fun and improve your Japanese at the same time!

Eun K. Shin said...

OMGish, InuYasha!
I loved it and still love it!
kinda imbarassed, but I 'was' also crazy about Sailor Moon...

plus, I agree that part: So nobody can really tell....LOL

Arjun said...

Samurai Champloo has to be one of the more well executed shows I've seen. Have you watched Cowboy Bebop? I've heard it was made by the same people.